Dosbarth Miss Davies & Miss Seabourne

Ysgol Golwg Y Cwm

Blwyddyn 4 & 5

Teacher: Miss Davies & Miss Seabourne


Daily Routine

*School starts at 8:50am*

Miss Seabourne will teach the class every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Miss Davies will teach the class every Wednesday afternoon, Thursdays and Fridays.

Breakfast Club is available for children every morning between 8:00 am and 8:30am. The children are sent to class from breakfast club.

The children are welcomed into class by Miss Davies or Miss Seabourne.

In the event of your child being absent from school, please telephone the school on 01639 846070 to inform us.

*Break time 10:40am – 11am*

Children to bring in a healthy snack – cheese, fruit or yoghurt.

*Lunchtime 12:15pm – 1:15pm*

Children go out to play first and then they go up the hall for lunch at 12:40pm.

*Home time 3:15pm*

The children will be dismissed at 3:15pm.


Weekly Information

Monday/Dydd Llun

*TT Rockstars

*Choir club after school

Tuesday/Dydd Mawrth

*Swimming – Second half of the Autumn Term


*Football club after school

Wednesday/Dydd Mercher

*TT Rockstars

* PE (Children can come to school wearing their PE kit)

*Forest Schools – Spring Term

Thurday/Dydd Iau

*Netball club after school

Friday/Dydd Gwener

*Spelling on HWB

*TT Rockstars

*Seren yr Wythnos/Siaradwr yr Wythnos

*Weekly Reflections – Happy Time

*Amser Aur


Whole School Topics 2024-2025

Autumn – Ein Byd

Spring – Differences

Summer – Healthy Me


Children keep their reading books and reading record books in school and they have a given time every morning and every afternoon to read. They log their reading in their reading record books and they also write book review when they have finished it.

Reading is very important as I am sure you are aware. Therefore, as we do in school, please encourage your child to read even if it’s only for 5-10 minutes, it will all benefit.

An assortment of reading materials will only enhance your child’s enjoyment of reading as well as develop their reading skills.

All children have a Giglets account, they are encourged to use this in school and at home as often as possible in order to improve their reading and comprehension skills. Children may be occasionally set tasks to complete on Giglets as homework, to assist their reading and comprehension ability.


The words are put onto Spell Blast on HWB every Friday and the children are encouraged to use this in school and at home on a daily basis.


All children have a TT Rockstars account and they are encouraged to use this in school and at home as often as possible in order to help them learn their tables for their weekly tests. They have 2 TT Rockstars tests a week and each week there is a different focus and the children will be told on a Friday what they will be tested on the following week.

The children also have an Easi Maths username and password, which they can use at home. Please encourage them to do this at home as it will all benefit their learning and the questions set on the programme cover the whole range of Mathematics.


Children will occasionally be asked to complete a Topic task at home and this is only to assist them in their work in class.


I hope you find this parent information helpful. If you require any further information in regards to your child’s education in my class please feel free to message me on seesaw or ring the school to speak to Miss Davies or Miss Seabourne

As partners in your child’s education I believe it is very important that we work together to give your child the best education possible.

Thank you for your support

Miss Davies & Miss Seabourne

Autumn Term 2024

World Mental Health Day

The class celebrated World Mental Health Day by practicing mindfulness breathing techniques.

Toothpaste Challenge

The class have enjoyed working on the ‘Toothpaste Challenge’. Learning about how our words can effect others.

Spring 2024

March 1st

The Year 5 children represented the school and took part in the St David’s Day March in Ystradgynlais.

February 27th

The children had the opportunity to present their Genius Hour projects where they researched and created a powerpoint presentation about something they were passionate about.

Tuesday February 6th

The children have been learning about change of state in Science and planned their own experiment to find out what can make ice melt more quickly. They made predictions based on their prior learning, chose variables and discussed the importance of a fair test.

Autumn Term 23


Lily Woodham

Lily Woodham is a Welsh professional footballer who plays as a left-back for Reading in the FA Women’s Super League.

Lily came into school and spoke to us all in assembly about her career and then each class took part in the sponsorship activities.

We had lots of fun and it was great to meet Lily.

We also raised lots of money for our school and athletes like Lily.

PC Skyrme

PC Skyrme came into class and we discussed Friend/Foe.

Fit Fortnight  15th – 26th May

Friday 26th May – Skate Park

Monday 22nd May – Circuit Training & Football

Friday 19th May – Walk & Talk

Thursday 18th May – Rounders & Rugby

Wednesday 17th May – Scooter ride / Walk

Tuesday 16th May – Yoga, Meditation & Karate

Monday 15th May – Boxing, Joe Wicks & Ball Skills

Geraghty’s Gelato

On Friday, we took a walk down to Ystradgynlais to spend the money that we earned in the French Breakfast.

We decided as a class to visit the new ice cream shop. We had the choice of 6 flavours. Oreo was the most popular flavour!

World Daily Mile

All the children took part in The World Daily Mile today.

They did 8 laps around the car park. Some walked, some jogged and some run.

Da iawn pawb!

Prince of Wales Band

The children really enjoyed listening to the band and identifying the songs they were playing.

They also learned about the different instruments that were being played.


This term we are going to be doing hockey in our PE lessons.

In our first lesson, we learned how to hold the hockey stick and which side of the stick to hit the ball with. We practised some push passing and we finished with a game where we had to dribble the ball.


Petit Dejeuner Francais

As a celebration of this term’s work, we held a French breakfast. The children did all the preparation and organisation and it was lovely to see it all come together. The parents were invited in and they were served breakfast by the children along with their child. The children were encouraged to use the French language with their parents to showcase their language skills.

It was a wonderful morning – both children and their parents really enjoyed.

Parents Open Day

It was lovely to welcome the parents into school for them to look at the children’s books.

Planning a holiday to France

The children have been using a range of skills today in our carousel, all based on activities for planning a holiday to France.

  1. Holiday Budgets – spreadsheets
  2. Packing a suitcase – practising the French language
  3. Researching landmarks – collecting information and presenting it
  4. Creating an itinerary – QR code hunt to find the information needed

Litter Pick

This week, we spent our Forest School session carrying out a big litter pick. We tidied both the yards, the skate park and along the fence at the back of the school, just off the cycle path. We couldn’t believe how much litter we collected!!

We took it all back to class to sort out. We looked at all the different materials and identified what could be recycled.

French Breakfast Foods

The children are in the process of planning a French Breakfast for their parents/families.

They tasted breakfast foods and they also learned how to give opinions on these foods in French and they wrote sentences about these foods in French.

World Book Day

Dydd Gwyl Dewi

We had a lovely morning down in Ystradgynlais.

We took part in the St David’s Day march with other local schools. We marched from St Cynog’s Church to Ystradgynlais Welfare Hall and on the way, we stopped on the square to sing songs. We sang ‘Dyn da oedd Dewi’ and ‘Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau’.

In Ystradgynlais Welfare Hall, we enjoyed singing Welsh songs and being entertained by Martin Geraint.

We arrived back to school in time for lunch and after lunch, we had Welsh cakes and took part in Welsh St David’s Day activities.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus i chi gyd!

St David’s Day Craft

The children have worked hard during half term to create collages that represent Wales. Da iawn pawb!

Kindness Day

Thank you very much for your generous food donations!

Class Novel – Billionaire Boy

‘…Mr Spud used to make birthday and Christmas presents for his son from the loo roll inner tubes. Mr Spud never had enough money to buy Joe all the latest toys, but would make him something like a loo-roll racing car, or a loo-roll fort complete with dozens of loo-roll soldiers. Most of them got broken and ended up in the bin. Joe did manage to save a sad looking little loo-roll space rocket, though he wasn’t sure why… “It’s the best thing you ever gave me,” said Joe.
Dad’s eyes clouded over with tears. “But it’s just a loo roll with a bit
of another loo roll stuck to it,” he spluttered.
“I know,” said Joe. “But it was made with love. And it means more
to me than all the expensive stuff you bought me.”’

The children designed and made a loo roll present for someone they loved.

Valentine’s Day

The children have been busy developing their literacy, numeracy and digital competency skills in today’s Valentine’s Day activities.

Task 1 – making and decorating biscuits.

Task 2 – writing and recording a Valentine’s message in English, Welsh and French.

Task 3 – solving Valentine’s Day number problems.

Task 4 – creating a fact file/PowerPoint about Valentine’s Day in other countries.

French Language

Our topic this term is ‘Differences’ and we are learning about the differences between France and Wales.

The children have started to learn language patterns in French.

Seasonal Food Tasting

As part of our topic, the children started to look at seasonality and tasting and describing a variety of fruit and vegetables.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Officer, Jenny Davies came to visit Year 5. We learned about the importance of fire alarms in the home, what to do if a fire occurs in your home and ways to avoid a fire.


Technocamps is a wide-reaching digital programme. They support digital upskilling in Wales.

We were very lucky to have a visit from Technocamps. We took part in two workshops.

Lee taught us about Robotics and Dan taught us about Machine Learning.

It was lots of fun!

Forest Schools

The children are enjoying their weekly visits to the Forest.
They are enjoying exploring the area and they work well independently, in pairs and in groups to complete the tasks they are set.


Christmas Jumper Day 2022

Christmas Biscuits

We have been busy baking and decorating Christmas biscuits in Year 4/5.

Christmas Activities

Christmas activities have started in Year 4/5. We have been baking Christmas biscuits, making Welsh Christmas cards using natural resources from the outdoors, designing our own elf and completing Christmas pictures using multiplication sums.

World Cup 2022

We have done our own sweepstake in Year 4/5 for the World Cup. Each child has their own team and they are eagerly awaiting the scores to see who is going to win!
As part of our topic work we have been finding out about Qatar where the World Cup is being held. Following on from this, the children each have their own research book to find out about their own country. This work includes them finding out what the flag looks like, what language they speak, the football team and their countries traditions.
The children are really enjoying this work and their booklets are going to create a nice display outside our class.


October 2022

As part of our topic work, we visited Brecon in order to make comparisons with Ystradgynlais.

Our first stop was Llanfaes Dairy. We learned all about ice cream production, asked lots of questions about the business and the history of the business, tasted chocolate ice cream and even got to buy our own. There were so many flavours to choose from!
Next, we visited Brecon Cathedral. The children were mesmerised! We lit a candle for those we have loved and lost.
Following that, we had a walk through town and headed down to the canal and theatre. We made lots of comparisons on this walk.
Finally, we had our lunch and a play in the park.

What a wonderful day!


October 2022

As part of our topic work, we completed a 7km walk around Ystradgynlais in order to find out more about the village. We visited lots of places on our walk and we also spoke to some people in the community. We carried out a survey to collect data about Ystradgynlais and we will use this data to make comparisons between Ystradgynlais and Brecon.

Football First

October 2022

The children had a great time in the hall for the football session. They loved the zorbs and they also enjoyed trying to score goals against each other.

Diwrnod Shwmae 🏴󠁧

October 2022

The children had a lovely day celebrating Diwrnod Shwmae.
First of all they learned all about Diwrnod Shwmae then they tasted some lovely Welsh branded foods and wrote about them. They listened to some Welsh music and we had a whole school assembly in which we were shown a very special video. Shwmae!

Daily Mile

October 2022

Everyday at 10am, we go out for our daily mile. It’s good for our fitness, wellbeing, concentration and confidence.

However, it’s even better when Maggie is at school as we get to take her with us!


September 2022

We used Angel Software to create a database titled ‘Ourselves’. In order to enter the data we had to measure our height so we used measuring tapes to measure each other.

Queen Elizabeth II

September 2022

In order to celebrate the Queen’s life the children designed a commemorative stamp. We had a class competition and Mrs Hickey chose the top 3 designs. Here are the winners!


Autumn Term 2022

One of our PE sessions this term is rugby. We are really enjoying learning rugby skills with Rhys on a Friday.

Getting to know you!

September 2022

The children really enjoyed playing the m&m and skittles games in order to get to know each other. It was a bonus that they got to eat the sweets and chocolates!

Circus Skills

September 2022

The children had so much fun in our circus skills session. We are looking forward to using the equipment throughout the year.


Healthy Sandwiches

Autumn Term 2021

The children have enjoyed making healthy sandwiches. They’ve  thought about foods from different groups and the importance of a balanced diet.

Healthy Sandwiches

Autumn Term 2021

The children have enjoyed making healthy sandwiches. They’ve  thought about foods from different groups and the importance of a balanced diet.

Rugby Skills

Spring Term 2022

As part of our topic, the children wanted to learn how to play rugby.

Impelo Dance Project

Spring Term 2022

The children have enjoyed doing dance using our topic as a stimulus.

Fit Fortnight

6/6/2022 – 17/6/2022

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